Lippincott Manual of Nursing Convenance PDF Download Ebook. Sandra M. Nettina offers every assistant needs for important advice on accommodating care. In a straightforward-to-read outline format, this clinically centered adviser covers all disorders and accommodating problems in medical-surgical, maternal-neonatal, pediatric, and psychiatric nursing, and contains over 150 step-by-step procedures.
Every affiliate incorporates official guidelines that anatomy analytic practice, calm with those from the National Institutes of Health, American Diabetes Affiliation, American Coronary affection Association, American Nurses Affiliation, Joint Commission, AWHONN, and others.
The capacity additionally cover adapted photographs, illustrations, adapted references at the end of every chapter, Biologic Antidote figure to highlight nursing interventions associated to biologic therapy, broadcast advantage of administering and management, an broadcast psychiatric affliction chapter, and broadcast advantage of documentation, decidedly authoritative assertive assurance in agenda medical records.
A accompaniment Internet website includes antidote suggestions, a dosage calculator, videos and animations on medication administering and security, drug-associated NCLEXВ®-model questions, FDA updates, and new accurate studies. You can access to belief objectives for anniversary chapter; antidote suggestions; dosage calculator; movies/animations on med admin and safety; drug-related NCLEX-model questions; FDA updates; new medical studies; absolute 8e analytic studies.
Nursing Interventions sections spotlight nursing interventions associated to biologic analysis and draw absorption to all-important nursing apropos affiliated to risks/advantages, I.V. administering strategies, biologic compatibility. There's broadcast advantage of documentation, abnormally ensuring aegis in agenda medical records.
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