Pharmacology and the Nursing Action 6th Edition PDF Download Ebook. Linda Lane Lilley provides pharmacology admonition you charge - and no added than you charge - to administrate drugs cautiously and effectively. Increased accent on the nursing action and prioritization helps you focus on the a lot of capital assessments, nursing diagnoses, interventions, and evaluations accompanying to biologic therapy.
Thoroughly adapted biologic admonition is bright and concise, highlighting the a lot of frequently acclimated drugs, and includes a different focus on the safety-oriented QSEN competencies. Hundreds of full-color illustrations appearance how drugs plan in the physique and characterize key accomplish in biologic administration.
This arbiter employs innovative, applied acquirements aids to admonition you adapt for success on the NCLEXВ® Examination and in nursing practice. Focus on need-to-know admonition provides the a lot of capital biologic admonition for safe, able analytic practice. Focus on the nursing action and prioritization helps you administer the nursing action to all aspects of biologic therapy, from appraisal to nursing diagnoses, interventions, and evaluation/outcome criteria.
Illustrated Abstraction Abilities Tips cover applied admonition on time management, agenda taking, abstraction techniques, and test-taking strategies. Special boxes and tables highlight evidence-based practice, dosages, pharmacokinetics, class ethics accompanying to biologic therapy, preventing medication errors, cultural implications, lifespan considerations, herbal therapies, and acknowledged and ethical principles.
Nearly 300 full-color illustrations and the Photo Atlas of Biologic Administering appearance how drugs plan in the physique and characterize key accomplish in biologic administering by assorted routes. NCLEXВ® Examination-style analysis questions are included in every chapter, with at atomic one alternate-format account per affiliate and added than 40 new dosage adding questions.
Drug profiles highlight the pharmacokinetics and different variations of frequently acclimated drugs. Case studies advance analytic acumen abilities accompanying to nursing pharmacology. Patient Teaching Tips cover key credibility to back to patients, their families, and their caregivers.
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